Friday Links
Something tells us that the confinement depicted above on the cover of Ghosts #76 may constitute cruel and unusual punishment. We’re just saying. (Note: This issue was published way, way back in 1979).
From The Hollywood Reporter: “10 Celebrity Courtroom Hairdos (and Don’ts).” How many of them can you guess before you actually click on the link to confirm? Yes, yes, everyone will get Phil Spector, so don’t feel too special for identifying that one.
Can it be true? A 1990’s nostalgia cable channel is in the works? We cannot tell you how long we’ve waited for such a development. Well, since the 1990’s.
Celebrities no longer immune to litigation or the threat thereof: Pee Wee Herman and Stone Temple Pilots. Is nothing sacred?
Whoa! Our story on the South Carolina witch house case got picked up by The Volokh Conspiracy.
Tiger Lawyer #3 is on the way, apparently. As you might recall, we’ve mentioned the Tiger Lawyer character before here, here, here, and here.
Congratulations to our own Breon Walker, who has been chosen to receive the prestigious Nation’s Best Advocates: 40 Lawyers Under 40 award presented by the National Bar Association (NBA) and IMPACT. This award recognizes distinguished attorneys within the African American legal community who have earned the highest level of respect and distinction in their legal practice through unrelenting dedication to their profession and community. Walker joined GWB as an associate in 2011 and became a partner in 2013.