Friday Links
As we previously mentioned, we here at Abnormal Use are spending May 2012 focusing on comic book covers featuring police line-ups. Behold! Above, you’ll find the cover to Mr. District Attorney #4, published way, way back in 1948. Okay, it doesn’t look like there is anything in between the purposed “Merchants of Death” and the witness identifying the suspect. In fact, the suspect who has been identified appears to be glaring icily at the witness from atop some type of raised platform. This does not bode well for the witness. Alas.
For some reason, yesterday, we here at Abnormal Use were thinking about Star Wars. It’s a bittersweet topic for us, to be certain. Did you know that two years ago, we published excerpts from several state and federal court cases referencing Star Wars characters? And, of course, our magnum opus was our Star Wars April Fool’s Day gag in 2011. Take a look, if you like.
Speaking of nostalgia, did you know that our very first edition of Friday Links was published way, way back on January 8, 2010? Take a look at that puny first entry – which didn’t even feature an image, much less a legal themed comic book cover – by clicking here!
Have you heard of Tiger Lawyer? If not, it’s clearly something you need to investigate. With a name like that, how can you not?
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