Friday Links
What is happening on the cover of Public Defender in Action #8, published way, way back in 1956? It seems that Richard Manning, the title character, has been disturbed by something happening just outside of his office window. We see a police officer apparently pursuing another gentleman – who may or may not be Manning’s client. Are we supposed to guess? What gives? (Note: We’ve previously mentioned the Public Defender in Action series here and here).
If you haven’t already, you may want to read this piece on the U.S. Supreme Court’s previously unknown practice of editing opinions after their release.
Who is going to the North Carolina Bar Association annual convention next week in Wilmington? Our editor Jim Dedman will be there, so say hi if you see him.
Our favorite headline this week: “Underground booze slushies not as innocent as they look.” That falls under food regulation, right?
Baylor University is threatening suit against the Baylor Alumni Association. To learn more about that dispute (and to read Ken Starr’s letter to the alumni group), see here.