Friday Links
“Robin and Batgirl, I pronounce you man and wife — til death do you part!,” exclaims a thug on the cover of Batman Family #11, published way back in 1977. Note that multiple armed villains are coercing the two heroes into this wedding (although they didn’t bother to remove the heroes’ masks). This is not a family law blog, but we do seem to remember something from bar review about weddings and duress. We’re thinking that Batgirl and Robin – in his bizarre tuxedo get-up – will be able to dissolve this marriage on those grounds. (We note that technically, though, this is not a shotgun wedding, since the assailants are all armed with pistols, although we doubt that affects the legal analysis of the duress issue).
Our own writer Frances Zacher got a shout out this week from Brian Comer at the South Carolina Products Liability Law Blog. See here.
Here’s a civil procedure exam question for you: can whales be Plaintiffs?
Congratulations to Brad Gower and Rocky Rogers, our two GWB associates who passed the bar examination last week. It’s been a while since we here at Abnormal Use endured the slings and arrows of the bar examination, but we sure do remember that immense sense of relief that accompanies notice of passage. Ah, the good old days.
Oh, no, he didn’t! Colin Miller of the EvidenceProf Blog went there. Yes, he made a Jerry Maguire reference in the headline to his recent post about a new Hawaii Court of Appeals case on the rule of completeness. See here.
Believe it or not, this edition of Friday Links is actually our third post today. Earlier this morning, we ran a post wishing the bloggers at the Drug and Device Law blog a happy fifth birthday. (Although they recognize their birthday as October 30, their first post actually went live five years ago today). Also, we published an entry this morning directing your attention to our editor Jim Dedman’s first contribution to the North Carolina Law Blog, a group blog sponsored by the North Carolina Bar Association. From now on, he’ll be submitting one post per month to that site.