Happy Fourth of July
What better way to celebrate the Fourth of July than the patriotic cover to Superman #53, depicted above and published way back in 1991? (It’s a good one, although it’s emotive impact is lessened a bit by Superman’s recent renunciation of his U.S. citizenship!) Whatever the case, we here at Abnormal Use and Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A. wish you a fun and safe holiday. Let’s all pause a moment today and reflect upon those Founding Fathers – many of them lawyers themselves – who signed the Declaration of Independence way, way back in 1776. Then we can grill out some burgers and have a beer.
And be certain to check out this far more substantive post on July 4th over at the Constitutional Law Prof Blog.
(Last but not least, click here to see last year’s Fourth of July post, complete with Greenville, South Carolina fireworks).