Friday Links


We were saddened to learn of the death of actress and writer Carrie Fisher this week. Of course, we knew her mostly as Princess Leia. But we enjoyed her work in When Harry Met Sally, The Blues Brothers, and Hannah and Her Sisters, as well. Her mother, Debbie Reynolds, died the following day. We can’t imagine what their family must be enduring right now. Above, by the way, is a copy of Star Wars #65, published more decades ago than we would like to admit. We  bought more than a few issues of that series back in the early 1980’s.

Rest in peace, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds.

Well, it’s the last Friday of the year, and this is our last edition of Friday Links for 2016. We can’t say that we’re disappointed to see this year end. It’s been a doozy. We here at Abnormal Use and Gallivan, White, & Boyd P.A. hope that you all have a festive and safe New Year’s Eve tomorrow night.

The Avett Brothers are playing a New Year’s Eve show here in Charlotte tomorrow night, and we negligently failed to purchase tickets. Alas.

Did anyone get a new iPad Pro for the holidays?

Read about “The Ten Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2016.”

For our favorite legal tweet of late, we direct you to the following excerpt from a cross examination.

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