Friday Links
Well, this time next week, we hope to be seeing the new Star Wars film, Rogue One! To celebrate the arrival of the new film, we suggest you revisit our 2011 April Fool’s Day post, “Star Wars Prequels Unreasonably Dangerous and Defective, South Carolina Federal Court Finds.” How’s that for a Friday link?
If you enjoyed Kyle White’s series this week on the Reptile Theory, you might be interested to know that you can read all of his reptile posts from the beginning of time by clicking here.
On a related note, our own Stuart Mauney recently completed a 12 part series on the Twelve Steps for Fulfillment in the Practice of Law. You read all of those posts here.
Over at The Legal Profession Blog, they’ve once again referenced a film by famed director Ingmar Bergman in a post-title. The title in question: “Scenes from a Post-Traditional Marriage.” This isn’t the first time that they’ve made this reference, by the way. Back in June of 2011, we noted that they had referenced the film in an earlier post, as well. Kudos to them!