Friday Links


So, we’re only somewhat excited by the release of Suicide Squad, which seems both intriguing and silly at the same time. We remember the comic book from the 1980’s, and although we here at Abnormal Use may have owned an issue or two, we don’t remember reading them. In fact, our editor most definitely owned 1987’s Suicide Squad #1, the cover of which is depicted above. But we just don’t know if we can bring ourselves to see the new film at the theaters. Alas, as they say.

We are told that today is the 50th anniversary of the release of Revolver by The Beatles. Can you imagine that five decades ago a band released such gems as “She Said, She Said,” “Eleanor Rigby,” and “For No One” all on the same album? That’s an amazing feat.

Our favorite legal tweet of late comes from our own John Cuttino, and you can probably guess why.

