Friday Links


Okay, so we here at Abnormal Use saw the new Ghostbusters film last night, and we can report that we enjoyed it! Funny, for the most part, and save for the wholly typical big budget action climax at the film’s end, the film worked! In fact, the only cringeworthy moments were the cameos of the members of the original cast (which seemed awkward, forced, and generally inconsistent with the other portions of the film). Our recommendation: Go see it. Above, to celebrate the release of the new film and the renewal of the franchise, we’ve appended the cover of Ghostbusters #1, published not so long ago in 2011.

Congratulations to our own John T. Lay, who has been elected president of the International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC)! For more information on that news, please see here.

Did you read Keith Lee’s “Is PokemonGo Illegal?” blog post this week? Speaking of which, our favorite legal tweet of the week is Pokemon related:

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