New Year’s Eve
Well, it’s New Year’s Eve, again, and we can’t say that we are in the office. We’re bidding farewell to 2015, a curious year, to say the least. We here at Abnormal Use and Gallivan, White, & Boyd, P.A. hope that you are your family have a wonderful and safe celebration tonight.
Above, you”ll find the cover of Superman #295, which was published way, way back in 1976. We find it appropriate for today because Supes is fighting someone who appears to be Father Time (whose duties in escorting the old year into the ether are implicated this very night).
By the way, tonight, December 31, 2015, is apparently the last concert performance of the rock band Motley Crue. Why do we write about that on a law blog? Back in February of 2014, nearly two years ago, our own Nick Farr wrote about the contract purportedly dissolving the band. Well, tonight’s performance is allegedly the band’s last (allegedly as a result of that contract). We’ve not seen the contract, but we suspect there may be some loopholes.