Friday Links


You’d be surprised at how difficult it becomes to find legally themed comic books covers after five years of scouring the Earth for them. Today, we present the cover of Checkmate #24, published not so long ago in 1990. “I accuse you of being the traitor!” exclaims a character we assume to be a heroic authority figure to another character we assume may not, actually, be a traitor. Maybe there’s a law school examination question here addressing defamation (or the evidence required to establish treason in a court of law). To be honest, we’re more curious about the menacing robot on the view screen and its role in the process.

By the way, don’t forget that our editor, Jim Dedman, is attending the North Carolina Bar Association Annual Meeting this weekend. If you see him, say hello! We know he’ll be tweeting using the hashtag #NCBAAM15, so investigate that, as well!

Our favorite tweet of late comes from Stacy Linn Moon:

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