Friday Links
So, now that we’re well into December, we can stray a bit from our mission to post legally themed comic book covers and instead focus on holiday themed comic book covers. Above, you’ll find the cover of Green Lantern #18, published way, way back in 1945. This is the original Green Lantern, of course, not the newer version you may have seen depicted more often in popular culture. And as for his sidekick, Doiby Dickles, we’ve written about him before here.
There is going to be a new narrative television series about the O.J. Simpson trial. Too soon, we say.
It’s Christmas, so we must direct you back to Stuart Mauney’s immortal 2011 post: “Lawsuit of the Day: Grandma’s Estate v. Santa and His Reindeer.” We can’t believe that it has been three years since we first posted it here at Abnormal Use. Don’t forget: You can follow Stuart on Twitter here.
You can still vote for Abnormal Use in the ABA Journal‘s Blawg 100 poll! To do so, click here (and you can find us in the “Tort/Consumer” category). We would very much appreciate your support.
Don’t forget: You can follow Abnormal Use on Facebook here and on Twitter here. Drop us a line sometime, will you?