Friday Links
So, Superman says, “Robots of the jury, you cannot condemn Luthor for a crime against your world. Despite his evil past, he is innocent! And I will prove it with the next witness!” And then Luthor thinks to himself, “Superman must be mad to defend me! All the evidence proves I’m guilty!” So, that’s the dialogue on the cover of Action Comics #292, published way, way back in 1962. Now, perhaps things are different with robot juries on other planets, but considering his history on Earth, why is Supes volunteering to meet a burden of proof here? Doesn’t the robot society value the presumption of innocence? What gives? And by the way, who is Superman’s next witness? Surely, it’s not Luthor himself?
Apparently, according to this tweet, someone at the Conference of Government Mining Attorneys this week dissed the movie Armageddon!
If you’re a reader of this site, you may know that we maintain a Facebook page for this blog. You can find that here. Guess what? We here at Gallivan, White, & Boyd, P.A. have now also established a Facebook account for the firm more generally. You can access that you Facebook page here. We hope you’ll check it out.
Our favorite legal tweet of late:
TEDDY RUXPIN: Yeah I killed him, & I loved it LAWYER: There it is your honor, a confession. Also sorry I forgot my regular tape player today
— patrick (@tastefactory) September 8, 2014