Happy Birthday To Us IV
We rarely, if ever, post on Saturdays, but today is a special occasion. It’s our fourth birthday!
Four years ago today, way back on January 4, 2010, we published our very first post here at Abnormal Use. It was a mission statement, and you can revisit it here. We didn’t have this fancy design back then; rather, we had put together a basic Blogger template. It’s funny to look back at those initial posts and realize that we had no idea that this enterprise would be in any way successful. But here we are, 48 months later, still posting each business day for you, our dear readers.
By the way, above, you’ll find the cover of Superman #207, published way, way back in 1998. As you can see, the comic celebrates Superman’s 30th birthday. Our favorite part, of course, is the super villains yelling at Superman in unison the following: “Unhappy birthday from your worst enemies Mr. Mxyzptlk, Luthor, Braniac . . . .” That seems rather hurtful, don’t you think? I mean, they go to all the trouble to go to Superman’s birthday just to yell insults? And by the way, aren’t they wanted criminals? Why aren’t Superman and Supergirl apprehending them? Are they so distracted by Superman’s birthday that they can’t be bothered to bring those villains to justice? Something doesn’t make sense there. That’s the Silver Age for you.
Thanks again to our tireless contributors: Nick Farr, Rob Green, Kyle White, and Frances Zacher! We’ll have some new writers joining us soon, and we can’t wait to introduce them to you!
To see our past birthday posts, please click here, here, and here.