Friday Links
“How Gangland’s Sinister Disc Jockey Was Trapped!” proclaims the cover of Mr. District Attorney #2, published way, way back in 1948. Our question: Um, why is the district attorney pursuing disc jockeys? And why does Gangland need one? Is this some kind of payola thing?
The Hollywood Reporter has run a pretty interesting interview with the Motion Picture Association of America’s outside counsel. See here.
Don’t forget! The new Bruce Springsteen album comes out next week! (Hat Tip: Ultimate Classic Rock).
Congratulations to our own Steve Buckingham, who recently became a partner at the firm. He was a blogger at this site for quite some time before retiring almost a year ago to the day. You can revisit his farewell column here.
Well, next month, the North Carolina Bar Association is putting on a CLE entitled “Guns and Roses.” No, it’s not about Axl Rose (although that would present a host of legal issues). For more, see here.
FYI: Last week, the South Carolina Supreme Court published its annual order on Interest Rate on Money Decrees and Judgments. For the full order, please see here.
Headline of the week: “Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson Settle Lawsuit Over Use of ‘A-Team’ Images.” You would think any lawsuit arising from the recent A-Team film would be one challenging its quality. Oh, well.
You’ve probably read – or at least heard of – law student blogs. We here at Abnormal Use peruse them occasionally to remind us of our lost youth. One of our favorites was So The Bear Says, a blog written by a Baylor Law School student back in the day. In fact, if you revisit that student’s blog, you’ll learn that ten years ago this week he first became a registered law student. We hope someone is reviewing our posts at this site ten years from now.