Our Favorite Posts of 2013
Now is the time that we, as consumers of media, are inundated with year end best-of lists. So, just as we have done in years past, we here at Abnormal Use have collected our favorite posts of this past year – our fourth full year of existence (if you can believe it). If you’ve followed us from the very beginning, you know that we’ve posted at least every business day these past four calendar years. That’s a lot! Looking back over our posts this year, it was difficult to choose our favorites. But, dear readers, the ones we enjoyed the most are linked for you below, along with their author and publication date. Fill yourself with nostalgia, just as we have, and revisit these entries from 2013.
On The Perils of Replying To Blog Comments (Nick Farr, February 13, 2013)
Our Office Appeared in the 2001 film SHALLOW HAL (Jim Dedman, February 28, 2013)
Laches – The Saddest of All Affirmative Defenses (Jim Dedman, March 12, 2013)
The McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case: Distinguishing Between Facts and Theory (Nick Farr, March 19, 2013)
North Carolina Court Declares Harlem Shake “Over,” Enjoins YouTube From Accepting Further Videos Depicting Same (Jim Dedman, April 1, 2013)
The Perils of Expert Depositions and The Duration Thereof (Jim Dedman, May 2, 2013)
Killing Trees At Depositions – A Modest Proposal? (Jim Dedman, May 8, 2013)
Outrageous, Egregious, Preposterous: The Hoosier State Chilled Beer Law (Rob Green, May 21, 2013)
Mediation: Uncool Wiles and Stratagems (Jim Dedman, May 23, 2013)
SC Man Burns Down House Due to Witch Infestation, Found Not Guilty of Arson (Nick Farr, June 3, 2013)
No Matter What You Think of Scalia’s Opinions, This Guy Thinks They’re Musical (Frances Zacher, July 11, 2013)
Facebook Friendships In Litigation – Exploring Them In Detail (Jim Dedman, August 7, 2013)
NFL Litigation May Forever Change Football (Nick Farr, August 19, 2013)
Federal Court Denies State’s Motion To Seal Following Habeas Counsel’s “Ill-Advised” Facebook Post Citing Kris Kristofferson (Jim Dedman, September 5, 2013)
The Blue Book and Commercial Recording Citations (Jim Dedman, September 18, 2013)
FDA Considering Rule Change Affecting Suits Against Generic Drug Makers (Frances Zacher, November 13, 2013)
Titles of Nobility Act: A New Challenge To The Legal Profession? (Nick Farr, December 2, 2013)
Golfer Takes a Mulligan. Mayhem and Litigation Ensue. (Kyle White, December 16, 2013)