Friday Links
Well, this is our last edition of Friday Links before the Christmas holidays, so we had to bring you the cover above, that of Batman #33 (published way, way back in 1946). Surely, Batman and Robin have been things to be doing, right? I mean, isn’t Alfred the butler employed to handle this very type of situation? Something is askew.
Over at his Torts Blog, Alberto Bernabe directs our attention to some songs about tort reform.
We’re pleased to see that Jeff Richardson at the iPhone J.D. blog fondly remembers the days of computer BBSs. For more on that, see here. Those were definitely the days.
Oscar Ramallo of The Hollywood Reporter offers this piece: “In Search Of A Lawsuit-Proof Band Name.”
Ron Nixon of The New York Times reports on the departure of Inez Tenenbaum as the head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Her term expired in November. Tenenbaum, as you might recall, is a South Carolina lawyer.
Congratulations to GWB’s Curtis Ott, a partner in our Columbia, South Carolina office, who was recently sworn in as President of the South Carolina Defense Trial Attorneys Association (SCDTAA). For more information, see here.
Jennifer Johnsen, a partner in our Greenville, South Carolina office and the chairperson of our firm’s diversity committee, published an op-ed this week entitled “5 Strategies for Promoting Diversity in the Workplace.”