Friday Links
“All rise for Marge Simpson, TV’s Latest Judge!” Above, you’ll find the cover of Simpsons Comics #64, published not so long ago in 2001 (which seems a bit late, actually, to parody the TV judge thing). That said, we wouldn’t mind appearing before Judge Simpson, although perhaps not for a dispositive motion hearing. That would be too risky, we think. Oh, well.
Reports The Huffington Post: “A $675,000 verdict against a former Boston University student who illegally downloaded and shared songs on the Internet has been upheld.” Wow.
In Tennessee, the war on bacon-infused liquor has begun in earnest. (Hat tip: Radley Balko).
For a sad story in Buncombe County, North Carolina in 1883, please see here.
If you are a fan of HBO’s “Game of Thrones,” or the books upon which they are based, this flowchart is for you.