Friday Links
Above, you’ll find the cover of COPS #1, published way, way back in 1988. “Fighting Crime in a Future Time,” proclaims the cover, although we suspect that the constitutional case law must have evolved in the future, as the cops appear to be recklessly and indiscriminately shooting up their jurisdiction. This comic series, of course, was a tie-in with an animated television series of the same name, which was itself essentially a weekly commercial for a Hasbro line of toys produced during the late 1980’s. Those were the days.
There are process servers, and there are process servers. We often write about the law, and we sometimes write about music. But we’ve never heard of a musician being served with process while on stage performing a concert. For more on this unusual story (including video of the service in question), please see here. It’s a sight to see.
So, did everyone see Man of Steel this past week? Any thoughts? (We’ve still not yet seen it. Alas.).
Martha Neil of the ABA Journal asks: “Did Superman have a legal duty to save lives?” Beware, the article contains Man of Steel spoilers.
This is our 936th post, by the way. Can you believe that?