Friday Links
Above, you’ll find the cover of Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney – Investigations #4, published not so long ago in February 2013.
According to Wikipedia, Miles is Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright’s “long-time friend and first rival in the court room.” You may recall that we here at Abnormal Use mentioned Phoenix Wright way back in June of 2011. Whatever the case, here’s the plot of this issue, according to our favorite comics website, Comicvine:
Stranded in the middle of the mountains, Gumshoe and Edgeworth spend the night in a nearby hotel. The employees believe an ogre has been set free by a recent fire, and is terrorizing the guests! Is the hotel really a host for the occult, or is this just a novel scheme? Edgeworth, along with Gumshoe and Candy Holly, must uncover the truth before the entire hotel falls into ruin!
This does not sound like a typical case for any attorney. Oh, well.
Um, apparently, there is a show called “Vampire Prosecutor.” (Hat Tip: Adam Frazier).
The Minnesota legislature was doing interesting things in 1891, apparently.
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