Friday Links
Above, you’ll find the cover of Captain America #611, published not so long ago in 2010. This issue features the first installment of the storyline “The Trial of Captain America,” which you may recall we previously mentioned here and here. Apparently, Captain America is taken into custody by the law enforcement authorities, but they fail to remove his mask. How do they log him into the system without removing his mask and determining his identity? How do they ascertain any prior offenses or warrants if they do not confirm his real name? Is it the respect and awe that the officers must hold for the fabled Captain American that prevents them from performing their routine? Isn’t there a safety concern in allowing a suspect to remain in a costume? Why do superheroes always receive special treatment from cops or prison wardens with respect to the retention of their costumes? We may never know.
Robert Kessler of The Atlantic Wire asks: “Why aren’t there cameras allowed at the Supreme Court again?”
Buzzfeed, as you know, is always making lists. List after list and list. But here’s one we couldn’t resist sharing: “The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places in The World.” There are some hauntingly beautiful – or beautifully haunting – photographs in that collection, so we encourage you to pause today from your quotidian toil and investigate.
This weekend, of course, is Easter. We here at Abnormal Use and Gallivan, White, & Boyd, P.A. wish you and your family a happy and safe Easter.
Don’t forget! You can follow Abnormal Use on Twitter here and on Facebook here! Drop us a line! You know you want to! Did you know, also, that you can follow our lawyers Gray Culbreath and Mills Gallivan on Twitter, as well? Since it’s #FollowFriday on Twitter, why not give them a follow today as we head into the weekend?