Election Day 2012
Well, it’s Election Day. It’s finally arrived after a seemingly permanent campaign. Sigh. Don’t worry; we’re not going to make any endorsements or anything, nor are we going to dwell upon the nature of this year’s election. We’re products liability lawyers, not pundits! But, as we are inundated today with maps, graphs, and polls, we thought the comic book cover above, that of Captain America #250, might be appropriate. Yes, it was published a while back, in 1980, itself a presidential election year.
“The People’s Choice! Captain America for President!” proclaims the campaign button on its cover. Spoiler alert: He didn’t win (at least not in the main Marvel Universe). But that’s been remedied in a far more recent 2012 storyline, apparently, as recent news reports suggest Captain American won as a write-in candidate in Marvel’s Ultimates universe. Apparently, the writers of Captain America comic books really, really like comic book superhero presidents. Oh, well.
Click here for our Election Day 2010 post, and of course, you can revisit our previous Captain America related posts, please see here, here, here, and here.