Happy Labor Day
Happy Labor Day from Abnormal Use! Just as we did two years ago, as a public service to you, our dear readers, we provide this link to the Department of Labor’s website on the history of Labor Day, which features the following quotation:
The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker.
Today we also celebrate this past weekend’s return of college football, and as we noted Friday, we hope to be discussing that at least somewhat in the coming months, to the extent we can relate it to products liability litigation. Rest assured that our own Nick Farr is on the case in attempting to bring together those two topics for discussion on these pages.
Finally, we must note that in 2011 we featured the cover of the 1980’s comic book series Labor Force in our Labor Day post. You can revisit that cover here. Apparently, that 1980’s comic book series lasted six issues, and you can see the full cover gallery here.
Have a fun and safe day off from work, and we’ll return with our regular programming tomorrow.