Friday Links
Quick! How can we seek exclusion of Superboy’s statement on the cover of Superboy #151, published way, way back in 1968. Wouldn’t this cover, without any accompanying text, make for a good law school exam question? Is his confession admissible? Is this a custodial interrogation? Has he been Mirandized? (Apparently not, as the police officers seem to surprised by the hero’s arrival to have already read him his rights.). We suppose it’s a good thing that Superboy is making that declaration during the last days of the Warren Court.
Today is Friday the 13th. Beware.
Remember last month, when we here at Abnormal Use published a piece on the Christmas classic, “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer”? If you don’t recall, you can revisit that holiday themed article here. Well, get this. Yesterday, Sam Favate at the Wall Street Journal Law Blog reported on a federal judge’s refusal to dismiss a copyright arising from a version of that song. See here for more information on that proceeding. Everything ultimately gets litigated, we suppose.
Friend of the blog Steve McConnell of the Drug and Device Law blog will be a part of a free CLE webinar on January 25. When we saw his name as a presenter, we thought that the CLE would be a gritty analysis of the legal themes of Springsteen’s immortal “Darkness of the Edge of Town” LP, but actually, it’s about the duty to warn in the digital era. For details, see here. And remember: it’s free!
Rachel WIlkes Barchie of the Law Law Land blog has a post with a great title: “Creepy Tweeters Have Speech Rights Too.” Fortunately, there are no references to Abnormal Use in the piece.