Friday, March 11, 2011
- Superman is identified as a murderer by a child witness on the cover of Superman Supacomic #115, depicted above and published way back in 1969. There are a few problems with this scene, of course, including the fact that the child witness cannot be testifying if Superman is in the witness stand himself. Further, aren’t there all sorts of laws that seek to protect child witnesses? The inconsistencies may be explained by the fact that this series – containing reprints of American Superman titles – was actually published in Australia. But, in the end, this is a fun cover, as we see not only the judge and members of the jury, but also the court reporter dutifully transcribing the proceedings.
- As you know, we here at Abnormal Use love Twitter, and we follow many, many legal personalities thereon. However, we must direct your attention to @SCBarrister, a brand new legal parody account which emerged last week. It’s quite funny. Think of it as the South Carolina Twitter version of the old Anonymous Lawyer blog.
- Best legal headline of the week? It’s got to be “Zoo sea lions face legal hurdle” from last Saturday’s issue of The State. Let’s hope the sea lions aren’t pro se.
- Earlier this week, we interviewed the two authors of the funny and clever Law and the Multiverse blog. Friend of the blog Alberto Bernabe, who runs the Professional Responsibility blog, recently commented upon one of their posts in his own piece, entitled “Did She-Hulk violate the rules against solicitation of clients?” Of course, Bernabe didn’t do a post when we mentioned She-Hulk’s legal career. Alas.
- You’ve got to give Colin Miller of the EvidenceProf Blog some props for his Radiohead reference in his post entitled “(Not) OK Computer: Supreme Court of Georgia Finds Computer Printout Not an Original or Duplicate for Best Evidence Purposes.” We’ve been trying to work Radiohead references into our posts for the past fourteen months, but as of yet, we’ve been unsuccessful.