Friday, February 18, 2011

- “No, no! I’ll tell all!” screams the apparent criminal defendant in the comic book cover above, that of Badge of Justice #4, published way back in 1955. The gavel comes down, leading us to wonder what “baffling adventures” take place within the issue, which cost only 10 cents at the time of publication. This cover, certainly, depicts a much more realistic and hard-boiled version of the criminal justice system than our usual superhero books.
- Plaintiff’s lawyer Bill Marler of The Marler Blog, asks: “What do Lady Gaga, food poisoning and the White House have in common?” A good question, that.
- We’ve cited to The Word Spy before (here and here), and we couldn’t resist linking its entry for Googleganger, defined as “[a] person who has the same name as you, and whose online references are mixed in with yours when you run a Google search on your name.” We here at Abnormal Use have certainly run into our own Googlegangers before, an experience which prompted existential crises, to be certain.
- The Constitutional Law Prof Blog writes about South Carolina Senate Bill 500, which calls for an analysis into whether our fair state should adopt its own currency. We’re for that if our logo would go on the new South Carolina quarter, but against it if it will not.
- The Rainmaker Blog, in a post entitled “Social Media for Attorneys: Brave New World or Business as Usual?,” posts an image of a lawyer advertisement originally published in the Indianapolis Gazette in 1822. My, how times have changed. Or have they?
- We learn from this piece at Stereogum that former Smashing Pumpkins bassist D’arcy Wretzky is facing her own set of legal troubles. Yikes.
- We’re always on the lookout for blog posts on law schools in North and South Carolina, that being our region and all. The Business Law Prof Blog notes that the Charleston School of Law is now seeking visiting profs. Meanwhile, The Constitutional Law Prof Blog reports on a Campbell Law Review Symposium entitled “Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Christianity: Perspectives on the Influence of Christianity on Classical Liberal Legal Thought.” Campbell, of course, recently relocated its campus to Raleigh, NC.