Friday Links

We here at Abnormal Use believe that Superman may have an Eighth Amendment claim against Batman based on the conduct depicted above on the cover of World’s Finest #145, published way back in 1964. Of course, that assumes that the Man of Steel can establish that Batman is, for the purposes of his warden duties, a state actor. Can he do so?

“I’ve found, what my clerks do now, when they have interesting cases — They read blogs,” Anthony Kennedy, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, August 19, 2010. (Hat tip: The Volokh Conspiracy). Now our hopes are up for a Supreme Court citation.

The Wall Street Journal Law Blog alerts us to the fact that the Burning Man music festival has its own barrister. What about Bonnaroo, though?

If you thought law school was insufficiently wearisome, you might investigate Texas Tech University’s new joint J.D./M.D. program, which the Tex Parte Blog profiled here.

Eric Goldman of the Technology & Marketing Law Blog ponders the Texas Attorney General’s probe of Google’s search engine practices.

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