Friday Links

We’d like to comment upon this post at The Florida Legal Blog, but unfortunately, we are too scared, as it profiles Internet Solutions Corp. v. Marshall, — So.3d —-, No. SC09-272, 2010 WL 2400390 (Fla. June 17, 2010), in which the Florida Supreme Court found that posting comments on a website subjects the commenter to jurisdiction in Florida.

Two months ago, we referenced the “Last Lecture” of Baylor University Law School Professor Mark Osler, who was leaving that institution for another this year. A video of the lecture, in its entirety, has now been posted online. (Hat Tip: Osler’s Razor.).

One of us here at Abnormal Use now has a new iPhone. We couldn’t resist bragging, as the primary purpose of the purchase of the new iPhone is to be able to brag about the purchase of the new iPhone. Did we mention that?

Coolest law review article extract, ever? Here you go: “Cyber warfare is increasingly listed alongside nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as a potential weapon of mass destruction. Interest in and concerns for cyber warfare have also been prevalent for decades. War-oriented writers usually exploited such serious and expensive terms as cyber war, information war and electronic war to spread their impetuous and cheap ideas. This paper by no means devaluates serious designs and plans, studies and research, ideas and claims revolving around cyber warfare. Rather, the purpose of this paper is to analyze existing jokes, hoaxes and hypes on the so-called cyber warfare, so as to distance serious research from misleading information.” That’s from “Cyber Warfare: Jokes, Hoaxes, or Hypes” by Xingan Li of the University of Turku, at 9 The IUP Journal of Cyber Law 7-16 (February/May 2010). (Hat Tip: Media Law Prof Blog).

We had previously mentioned the Twitter Novel Contest by the State Bar of Texas, which was open to lawyers from any state and called for 140 character entries. The winning entry was from Casey Burgess of Dallas, whose 140 character novel was as follows: “Swirling death, the dark cloud descends. As he runs for his cellar, the farmer learns that sometimes pigs can fly.” For more information and results, see this post on the Texas Bar Blog.

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