Bigfoot Body Going on Tour
Our New Year’s resolution here at Abnormal Use was to pen no more posts about the creature known as “Bigfoot.” In the past year, we wrote about Bigfoot on a couple of occasions. (You can revisit those posts here and here). Because the Sasquatch has little to do with the law or litigation, those posts probably occupied too much space in the legal blogosphere. So, this year, we say no more posts about the fantastical. Of course, if someone REALLY did find a Bigfoot, then who knows? Resolutions are meant to be broken.
Several weeks into 2014, all bets are now off. According to a report from The Huffington Post, famed hunter Rick Dyer has killed a Bigfoot, and now he is taking it on tour! Back in September 2012, Dyer claims that he lured a Sasquatch to his San Antonio-area campsite by nailing some pork ribs he purchased at a nearby Wal-Mart to a tree. When Bigfoot came to dine on the Wal-Mart pork, Dyer shot it and transported the body to an undisclosed location. The body has allegedly undergone DNA and 3D optical testing. Now, Dyer is prepared to take the body to a city near you.
As much as we hope Dyer’s claims are valid, we have a few questions. For starters, who knew Bigfoot lived in the heart of Texas? That certainly explains why all those years of searching for Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest and the mountains of Appalachia were fruitless. Second, can we see the results of the diagnostic testing before we fork out money to see the body? Carnival attractions are no longer in season. Lastly, how does one kill a creature as sought after as a Bigfoot and not talk about it for a year? This is like winning the Powerball jackpot and holding onto the winning ticket for a rainy day. We really want to believe, but this doesn’t add up.
As The Huffington Post report notes, Dyer doesn’t have the best track record for Bigfoot claims. In 2008, he apparently tried to pass off a rubber ape suit as a Bigfoot body. This time, however, he is serious. And, apparently wants us to set a new record for breaking New Year’s resolutions.