Tonight: Susan Saladoff Brings “Hot Coffee” to Charlotte, North Carolina
Over the past couple years, we here at Abnormal Use have written a great deal about hot liquid product liability cases. Just this week, we reported on hot soup in a school cafeteria. Last week, we told you about the case of the hot tea on an airline flight. We have even kept you abreast on hot coffee litigation nationwide. And, of course, the genesis of it all – Plaintiff’s attorney Susan Saladoff’s anti-tort reform documentary, Hot Coffee.
Now, it all comes full circle as Saladoff has come to our backyard.
Tonight, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the EpiCenter Theater in Charlotte, North Carolina, you can attend a screening of Hot Coffee followed by commentary from Susan Saladoff. The screening is sponsored by the Mecklenburg County Bar Association. There is no cost to the general public or for attorneys not seeking CLE credit. For those who would like 2 general hours of CLE credit, the cost is $90.
You may remember Saladoff cancelled an interview with Abnormal Use just prior to the release of Hot Coffee. We wrote at length about her background as a plaintiff’s attorney and her potential bias as a filmmaker covering the infamous Stella Liebeck McDonald’s hot coffee case litigation. Maybe tonight, we may get the chance to finally meet her and ask her some questions. We will be sure to report on our experience.