The Case of the Killer Toothbrush
Every so often, I read a news story about a lawsuit that makes me think I’ve inadvertently stumbled onto the satirical publication The Onion. This is one of those stories.
According to this report by CBC News out of British Columbia, a woman named Saliha Alnoor is suing the Colgate-Palmolive Company for injuries she sustained when her toothbrush allegedly broke in two places in her mouth, slicing her gums and causing her to lose consciousness.
Alnoor apparently hired an engineer, who has done extensive testing on the toothbrush and determined that it contains a design defect that caused the brush to break. Despite this damning would-be testimony, however, Alnoor is now representing herself against the company, in what her family describes as a “David and Goliath” battle.
After initially complaining to Colgate, the company sent her a $20 coupon. Later, when she became particularly serious about her claims, the company offered to settle her case for $500. Can’t you just smell the fear? It smells oddly like mint.
This is one case we’re going to have to watch. I wonder what Wacky Warning Label might come out of this case.
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