Friday Links


You know, we must ask what exactly is occurring on the cover of Adventure Comics #370, depicted above and published way, way back in 1968. Our heroes face “The Devil’s Jury,” suggesting perhaps that Superboy did not retain a jury consultant. “Legionnaires, for numerous acts of anti-crime, I sentence you to the Devil’s Island of Space!” exclaims the sorcerer jurist. That sounds unpleasant. Why is it that villains are always sentencing people to vile punishments at mock tribunals? Why are they concerned about the appearance of due process? This makes little sense.

Apparently, Thomson Reuters is officially retiring Westlaw Classic. We don’t know what we are going to do without it.

Okay, the rock band Kiss is being sued by a security guard claiming injuries arising from confetti. Yes, you read that correctly: confetti. For more on that, see here.

Guess what? GWB’s own David Rheney was recently named Lawyer of the Year in Insurance Law for Greenville by Best Lawyers in America. See here on that story.

Here’s our favorite tweet of the week from Texas country musician Owen Temple:

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