Friday Links


We here at Abnormal Use and Gallivan, White, & Boyd, P.A. hope everyone will have a merry and festive holiday weekend! Don’t rush back to the office on Monday! To celebrate, we’ve appended the cover of a 1978 DC Comics special featuring Santa Claus and Rudolph. Who remembers that one?

What did everyone think of Rogue One? Come on, we know you’ve seen it by now.

Don’t forget that you can follow Abnormal Use on Facebook by going here!

Our favorite tweet of late you can find below. It features Charlotte, North Carolina, where we maintain an office, during the holiday season in the 1940’s. Enjoy!

Friday Links

Well, this time next week, we hope to be seeing the new Star Wars film, Rogue One! To celebrate the arrival of the new film, we suggest you revisit our 2011 April Fool’s Day post, “Star Wars Prequels Unreasonably Dangerous and Defective, South Carolina Federal Court Finds.” How’s that for a Friday link?

If you enjoyed Kyle White’s series this week on the Reptile Theory, you might be interested to know that you can read all of his reptile posts from the beginning of time by clicking here.

On a related note, our own Stuart Mauney recently completed a 12 part series on the Twelve Steps for Fulfillment in the Practice of Law. You read all of those posts here.

Over at The Legal Profession Blog, they’ve once again referenced a film by famed director Ingmar Bergman in a post-title. The title in question: “Scenes from a Post-Traditional Marriage.” This isn’t the first time that they’ve made this reference, by the way. Back in June of 2011, we noted that they had referenced the film in an earlier post, as well. Kudos to them!

Friday Links

Our favorite legal story of late: A woman called the police after a man continued to whistle Semisonic’s “Closing Time” after her requests that he refrain from doing so. You remember that song, right? It was inescapable on the radio back in the late 1990’s. But we fail to see how it requires the intervention of law enforcement. More on that here.

Don’t forget that new amendments to the federal rules of civil and appellate procedure took effect yesterday, December 1, 2016. Revisions were also made to the bankruptcy rules and the federal criminal rules, as well. You’d best investigate!

Our favorite legal tweet of the week applies to law as well as general business. Of course, it’s about email etiquette. Enjoy.

Friday Links

We hope you’re enjoying the Thanksgiving holidays! But, in case you needed a Friday Links fix, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a pretty interesting article about an overseas jury noticing a 29 second gap in closed circuit television camera footage -after- the case had been given to them. Apparently, neither the prosecution nor the defense lawyers had noticed the gap, causing a good bit of tumult when the members of the jury inquired about the issue during deliberations.

Beware: Facebook’s app may be draining your phone’s battery more than you might expect. Click here for a bit more information on that report.

Just a few weeks until Rogue One is released! Will you be skipping work a bit early that day to see it?

Friday Links


We have some news here at Abnormal Use and Gallivan, White, & Boyd, P.A.  We’re very proud of our partners, John E. Cuttino, John T. Lay, Jr., and H. Mills Gallivan, who are currently serving as presidents of DRI, IADC, and FDCC, respectively. All three sitting defense bar presidents, all at one firm. We’re very proud of them, and we wish them the very  best!

Go. See. Arrival. At. The. Theatre. We here at Abnormal Use can’t recommend it enough.

We’re fans of Jeff Richardson, who runs the iPhone J.D. blog. Well, if you updated your iPhone software recently, you might have noticed an annoying new way in which the iPhone’s email organizes your electronic correspondence. Well, if you want to restore your iPhone’s email software to the old way, read Jeff’s article here.

Friday Links

Okay, so back in the 1980’s, when we here at Abnormal Use read comic books, we never really acquainted ourselves with Doctor Strange. Well, apparently, this weekend, we can remedy that issue and see the new Marvel film featuring that character. Anyone seen it yet?

Oh, and we heard that there was some baseball played this week. We’re not certain what to say about that.

If you’re on Twitter, be certain to investigate the brand new #PracticeTuesday hashtag for tips on appellate practice and more.

Our favorite legal tweet of the week is a real gem:

Friday Links


Many, many congratulations to our own John Cuttino, who was just elected to serve as the president of DRI. You’ll see a photograph of him depicted above as he takes the reins of the organization at DRI’s Annual Meeting last week in Boston, Massachusetts. Congratulations, John! Your friends here at Abnormal Use and GWB wish you well!

Everyone have a safe weekend if you are engaging in Halloween festivities early!

The new Leonard Cohen album is out! This is not a drill!

Don’t forget that you can follow us on Twitter at @GWBLawfirm! Say hello to us over there!

Speaking of Twitter, you won’t mind if we engage in a bit of self promotion with our legal tweet of the week, will you? In addition to our firm maintaining an account, you can also follow some of our bloggers on Twitter, as well.

Friday Links


Okay, so we here at Abnormal Use love music, and we dig comics, but we’re a bit confused about Archie Meets the Ramones #1, the cover for which is depicted above. Released just a few days ago, the comic features Archie and friends meeting the Ramones (all of whom are dead). We understand there may be a time travel component to the series, so that makes some sense we suppose. We’ve already gotten our hands on an issue, and if there are additional curiosities to explore, we will let you know, dear readers.

We welcome Thomas Lamm, the brand new associate in our Charlotte office! Learn more about him here.

If you didn’t read this piece about Leonard Cohen from The New Yorker, you should probably do so.

For our legal tweet of the week, we direct your attention to this tweet from our editor thanking everyone for attending the Mecklenburg County Bar’s annual Halloween CLE (which he planned).

Friday Links

So Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature? How about that? Unlike many, we will resist the urge to offer a pun using his lyrics. (We will note that his non-album single, “Positively Fourth Street,” remains conspicuously absent from Spotify).

Don’t forget that this weekend marks the 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings!

When is the last time you said hello to us on Twitter? Follow and interact with us at @GWBLawfirm!

Our editor, Jim Dedman, has once again planned this year’s Mecklenburg County Bar Halloween CLE. Titled “Ghosts, Graves, and The Occasional Murder House: A Halloween CLE,” the event will be held this coming Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at The Rabbit Hole in Charlotte, North Carolina. Topics include cemetery law, “statutory horrors,” and the law of haunted houses. Attendees can earn up to 1.5 hours of CLE credit, although lawyers and non-lawyers alike can attend at a lower rate if no credit is sought. For more information on this program, please click here.

Friday Links

Don’t forget that tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of Nirvana’s Nevermind album, which was originally released on September 24, 1991! What existential musings that anniversary prompts! On Monday, our own Nick Farr will be providing his detailed thoughts on the anniversary and its meaning to him all of these years later. Don’t miss it!

Bruce Springsteen’s new memoirs, Born To Run, arrives in stores this week! We’re on it!

Why aren’t you following us on Twitter? Click here and join the conversation with us!

We here at Abnormal Use and Gallivan, White, & Boyd, P.A. is pleased to announce that Greenville attorney Duffie Powers and Columbia attorneys Grayson Smith and Breon Walker have been chosen as “Rising Stars Under 40” by Benchmark Litigation.