Friday Links

So, above, you’ll find the cover of Blade Runner #1, published way, way back in 1982. As you probably know, this issue is an adaptation of the film released that year directed by Ridley Scott and starring Harrison Ford. Why do we choose that cover today? Well, as you may remember, Ford plays Deckard, whose job as a blade runner is to pursue and kill replicants, cybernetic organisms which look just like adult humans. Rutger Hauer plays Roy Batty, a replicant hunted by Deckard. In the film, released 33 years ago, Batty’s “creation date” was January 8, 2016. That’s today.

Also, in case you weren’t aware, David Bowie released a new album today. It’s eerie.

Is anyone else going to the 6th Annual Sports and Entertainment Law Symposium at Duke Law next week?

Our favorite legal tweet of late concerns, of course, hot coffee warnings: