Happy Birthday To Us V


Well, we here at Abnormal Use typically do not post on weekend days, but today is a special occasion. It’s our fifth birthday. To celebrate, we direct your attention to the comic book cover above, that of Yogi Bears Birthday Party #1, published a good many years ago. (We don’t know why they omitted the apostrophe from the title, which should likely be Yogi Bear’s Birthday Party.).

That’s right, dear readers. It was five years ago today, on January 4, 2010, that we published our first blog post, our mission statement. Many thanks, of course, go out to our contributors, Nick Farr, Rob Green, Kyle White, Batten Farrar, Jessica Waller, Lindsay Joyner, and Janice Holmes, without whom this enterprise simply would not be possible. And to you, our dear readers, we thank you for your support.

You can read our past birthday posts here, here, here, and here. And if you want to see the last time we used a Yogi Bear holiday themed comic book cover in a post, click here to revisit a 2013 post.

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