McDonald’s Gets A New Face

imageLast week, McDonald’s unveiled a new look for Ronald McDonald, the face of its vast fast food franchise. After sporting the same hair, makeup, and clothes for the past 51 years, Ronald has been given a much needed makeover. According to a report from by Yahoo! Finance:

The yellow jumpsuit Ronald’s worn for so long will be replaced with cargo pants and a vest, along with a red-and-white striped rugby-type shirt. That’s going to be the standard uniform. For “special occasions,” he’ll sport a red jacket, bowtie and yellow pants, the company says. At the same time, he’ll also get involved with the corporate office’s social media efforts.

While we here at Abnormal Use are fans of McDonald’s (and write about it often), we must admit that Ronald has always given us the creeps. As clowns go, his looks have always been more “Pennywise” than “Bozo.” Unfortunately, the new Ronald doesn’t look much better. Giving Ronald a bow tie and a rugby shirt can’t mask the fact that he remains a creepy clown. On the positive side, Ronald has decided to ditch one-piece jumpsuit. So, there’s that.

As excited as everyone is about the update, we are more interested in hearing new Ronald’s position on hot coffee. Under the leadership of the former Ronald, McDonald’s held strong in the midst of much coffee litigation, including the infamous Stella Liebeck suit. Much to the delight of millions of customers, Old Ronald followed the basic principle that coffee is meant to be served hot. In this regard, old Ronald emerged as a pillar of the coffee community regardless of his unfortunate appearance. We only hope the new Ronald can display the same strength and fortitude, but fear he may face challenges with the bow tie and Craig Sager-esque jacket. Only time will tell.

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